Nu ben ik misschien terug van vakantie, maar helaas niet ongeschonden. Mijn rechter arm is uit de kom geraakt zaterdag en daar heb ik voorlopig nog de nasleep van. En oja… ik ben rechts. Maar ik heb wel het een en ander op de feeds gelezen, die -hoewel laat- toch de moeite waard van het vermelden zijn.
Good designers / great designers
De presentatie van Cameron Moll “Essential Web Skills” en daaruit komt: “Nine skills that separate good and great designers” (download de presentatie en de podcast).
Good designers: Decorate, Believe ‘less’ is more, Fix problems, Are inspired within a genre, Macrodesign, Treat text as content, Use good typefaces, Code for one instance, Redesign.
Great designers: Communicate, Believe ‘less’ and ‘more’ co-exist, Prevent problems, Are inspired by their total environment, Microdesign, Treat text as UI, Use good typography, Code for many instances, Realign.
Ook op Cameron Moll:
» Coming soon: Mobile Web Design, the book
Much has been written about mobile devices. Much has been written about developing websites for the so-called ‘standards era’ of the web. However, little has been written about the two colliding. This book aims to fill that void. minicards
Phil kreeg z’n Flickr minicards, ik herken zijn blijdschap wel…
» Hi I’m Phill
De beste web2.0-startup naam
Op Folksonomy stond een post met 7 tips om de juiste naam te verzinnen voor je web2.0 startup
» 7 Tips for Naming Your Web 2.0 Startup
Riding the Waves of “Web 2.0”
‘Web 2.0’ has become a catch-all buzzword that people use to describe a wide range of online activities and applications, some of which the Pew Internet & American Life Project has been tracking for years. As researchers, we instinctively reach for our spreadsheets to see if there is evidence to inform the hype about any online trend. This article provides a short history of the phrase, along with new traffic data from Hitwise to help frame the discussion.
» Download het artikel (PDF)
Designing @ Flickr
Leisa Reichelt’s (Disambiguity) eerste podcast, die ze twijfelend aanbied. Ze interviewde George Oats, designer @ Flickr.
Leisa Reichelt talks with Flickr designer George Oates about web and office 2.0, touching on topics including community building, the iterative nature of Flickr�s design process, and how Flickr incorporates user feedback into their service.
» Download hier de mp3 (21:40)
Een hele coole widget voor je Google Analytics: Dashalytics!
» Meer info op de Dashalytics pagina
Dat was deel 1, heb nog meer leuks gezien, maar duurt zolang met 1 hand tikken… 🙂