Een super cool evenement in Amsterdam (Light Boat) op 19 september: “Design for Conversion“. Geïnteresseerden worden vooraf gewaarschuwd; loutere consumptie is niet toegestaan! De handen moeten uit de mouwen! Teams gaan aan de slag met een design/conversie uitdaging en krijgen zo de kans te werken met diverse experts op gebied van design/marketing. Dat is trouwens een beetje raar om te zeggen, omdat ikzelf één van die deelnemende experts ben.
Daarnaast hebben Ruben Timmerman (Design), Eddy Boeve (Design), Lode Broekman (Conversion), Robert-jan Verkade (Design), Bram van Essen (Conversion), Tjeerd de Boer (Design), Peter van de Graaf (Conversion) en Bart Clement (Conversion) reeds toegezegd en reken maar op nóg meer, zoals deze keynote speakers bijvoorbeeld …
Keynote 1: “Getting the next click”
Getting your users to the next click is about doing a lot of little things right. This session will highlight the latest learnings of the important details that are required to get your users to click with your website. From the way you write your copy to the interactive flow of your form, you’ll learn practical takeaways that you can immediately apply to your website to make it more effective and clickable.
Andrew Chak
Andrew Chak has been a user experience design lead for over 10 years and has created online solutions for clients such as Pfizer, Deutsche Bank, General Motors, Johnson & Johnson, and RIM. He is the author of “Submit Now: Designing Persuasive Websites” which is an innovative book that reveals how to design compelling websites that motivate users to transact. Andrew lives in Toronto, Canada with his wife and two boys who teach him more about being motivated each and every day
Keynote 3: “Persuasion, Emotion, & Simplicity”
In this keynote I reveal new insights into psychology, emotions, and simplicity.
I will share the six facets of simplicity and show a new technique for understanding people by creating what I call “simplicity profiles”. During my talk we will create profiles for ourselves and see how simplicity affects user emotion and, ultimately, how simplicity leads to behavior change.
My goal is to show that we humans are not as complicated as most believe. The frameworks I share will provide ongoing insight for success at work and at home.
BJ Fogg
Researcher & Innovator, Stanford University
Stanford University awarded Dr. BJ Fogg the Maccoby Prize in 1998 for four years of experimental research on how computers can change people’s attitudes and behaviors. He then founded the Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab and began teaching at Stanford (Computer Science & School of Education) in his area of expertise.
In addition to teaching and directing research on campus, Dr. Fogg leads innovation projects for Silicon Valley companies. As a psychologist he brings a new perspective on working with technology innovations. He holds seven patents, and he has an additional eight patents pending.
Dr. Fogg is the author of Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do, a book that explains how computers can motivate and influence people. He is the co-editor of Mobile Persuasion: 20 Perspectives on the Future of Behavior Change. Dr. Fogg’s life’s work is to shape technology innovation in ways that benefit the world and make people happier. He believes two principles are essential for achieving these goals: designing for simplicity and building relationships of trust. For each principle he has created practical frameworks that help designers create better products.
Het voorlopige programma
08.30 – 09.15 Registration
09.15 – 09:45 Introduction and teams
10:00 – 10:45 Defining the problem
10:45 – 11:30 Keynote 1, Andrew Chak – Getting the next click
11:30 – 12:30 Captain Talks
12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 14:15 Keynote 2, Update soon!
14:15 – 14:45 Finalizing presentation
15:00 – 15:45 Keynote 3, BJ Fogg – Persuasion, Emotion & Simplicity
15:45 – 16:30 3 minute presentations
16:30 – 17:15 Panel Discussion and verdict
17:15 Drinks
Zo gaaf. Dat klinkt als een evenement waar ik dolgraag heen zou willen 😉
Erg cool dat je meedoet. Ik heb zo’n gevoel dat het een mooie dag wordt, locatie is in ieder geval helemaal te gek.
Team Captains blijven zich ook aanmelden. Net als sponsors en mediaparthers trouwens.
Ik bel je vandaag even.