Op boxesandarrows.com vertaalde Christina Wodtke een List of Reminders van E.B. White uit ‘The Elements of Style‘. De list van E.B White slaat op stelregels voor novice schrijvers/journalisten en Christina vertaalde het naar een bruikbare handleiding voor designers.
Boxesandarrows.com features an article by Christina Wodtke, based on a List of Reminders by E.B. White taken from ‘The Elements of Style‘. This list features gentle reminders for writers and Christina translated them into design-reminders.
- Place yourself in the background.
- Write in a way that comes naturally.
- Work from a suitable design.
- Write with nouns and verbs.
- Revise and rewrite.
- Do not overwrite.
- Do not overstate.
- Avoid the use of qualifiers.
- Do not affect a breezy manner.
- Use orthodox spelling.
- Do not explain too much.
- Do not construct awkward adverbs.
- Make sure the reader knows who is speaking.
- Avoid fancy words.
- Do not use dialect unless your ear is good.
- Be clear.
- Do not inject opinion.
- Use figures of speech sparingly.
- Do not take shortcuts at the cost of clarity.
- Avoid foreign languages.
- Prefer the standard to the offbeat.
» Lees het artikel “The Elements of Style for Designers” op boxesandarrows.com