“People Crave Information”

Een mooi artikel via @eelcosmit op UXmag.com: “The Psychologist’s View of UX Design“. Ik pik er even een paar leuke puntjes uit, het artikel is de moeite waard om toch even helemaal te lezen!

  1. People Don’t Want to Work or Think More Than They Have To
    Provide defaults. Defaults let people do less work to get the job done.
  2. People Have Limitations
    People can’t multi-task. The research is very clear on this, so don’t expect them to.
  3. People Make Mistakes
    Whoever is designing the UX makes errors too, so make sure that there is time and energy for iteration, user feedback, and testing.
  4. Human Memory Is Complicated
    People reconstruct memories, which means they are always changing. You can trust what users say as the truth only a little bit. It is better to observe them in action than to take their word for it.
  5. People are Social
    If people do something together at the same time (synchronous behavior) it bonds them together—there are actually chemical reactions in the brain. Laughter also bonds people.
  6. Attention
    […] is called change blindness. There are some quite humorous videos of people who start talking to someone on the street (who has stopped them and asked for directions) and then don’t notice when the person actually changes!
  7. People Crave Information
    Dopamine is a chemical that makes people seek… food, sex, information. Learning is dopaminergic—we can’t help but want more information.
  8. Unconscious Processing
    The emotional brain is affected by pictures, especially pictures of people, as well as by stories. The emotional brain has a huge impact on our decisions.
  9. People Create Mental Models
    Metaphors help users “get” a conceptual model. For example, “This is just like reading a book.”
  10. Visual System
    If pages are cluttered people can’t find information. Use grouping to help focus where the eye should look.

UXmag.com: “The Psychologist’s View of UX Design

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